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Hyperledger Besu Ethereum client

Hyperledger Besu is an open source Ethereum client developed under the Apache 2.0 license and written in Java. It runs on public and private networks:

🌐 Public networks

Run Besu as an execution client on Ethereum Mainnet and Ethereum public testnets, such as Goerli and Sepolia.

🔐 Private networks

Use private networks for enterprise applications requiring secure, high-performance transaction processing.

What does Besu support?

Besu includes a command line interface and JSON-RPC API for running, maintaining, debugging, and monitoring nodes in an Ethereum network. You can use the API via RPC over HTTP or via WebSocket. Besu also supports Pub/Sub.

Besu supports common smart contract and dapp development, deployment, and operational use cases, using tools such as TruffleRemix, and web3js. The client supports common JSON-RPC API methods such as eth, net, web3, debug, and miner.

Besu doesn't support key management inside the client. You can use Ethsigner with Besu to access your keystore and sign transactions.


If you have any questions about Besu, ask on the besu channel on Hyperledger Discord.

Learn more about the Hyperledger Foundation. You can contribute to the documentation or to Besu itself.